Welcome to the Western Rail Coalition

The Western Rail Coalition is a group of elected officials, industry leaders, transportation advocates and private citizens from the Rocky Mountain region who have come together to support the studying of expanded passenger rail in the I-70 Mountain Corridor west of the Front Range. Please view our introductory letter below:
What does “rail” mean?
“Rail” means a lot of things in Colorado, and not all of them are attractive.

Why rail?

The Interstate 70 (I-70) Mountain corridor remains one of the largest and most visible transportation challenges faced by Coloradans today due to mountain towns and ski resorts being dependent on a highway that has been crammed in to the numerous picturesque valleys and canyons. The result is a road that is challenging to drive, and suffers from frequent (at least once a month) closures due to accidents or bad weather. Rail offers a viable alternative to this.
What could the trains be like?

Most mountain resident’s experience of rail in the corridor is that of noisy, dirty freight trains laboring up gradients that cause traffic congestion when they block grade crossings. Additionally concerns about what happens to hazardous cargo in the event of a derailment are common place. The coalition aims to articulate a vision of what a modern passenger rail alternative could look like and why it is a lot different to what residents may have been used to previously.
What about the stations?

The stations should aim to reinstate the railroad back into the heart of the community by providing multiple other mobility options and sufficient amenities to make waiting for a train a comfortable and dignified experience.
Who is behind the Western Rail Coalition?

The Western Rail Coalition is being spearheaded by local people who understand the area’s transportation issues such as elected officials, civic leaders, members of the business community, advocates and engaged private citizens. Technical advice and support is also being gratefully received from Greater Denver Transit, a transit advocacy organization based in the Denver Metro area.
Proposed Western Rail Map

What’s included in the Western Rail Proposals?
Western Rail Projects
- Upgrades to the core Denver to Grand Junction Central Corridor.
- Reopening the mothballed Tennessee Pass Line from Dotsero to Pueblo.
- Introducing passenger trains in the Gunnison Valley between Grand Junction and Montrose.
- Establishing a “rolling road” truck train service between Denver and Grand Junction as an alternative to I-70.
- Construction of a new rail alignment between Winter Park and Minturn to serve Silverthorne and Vail.
Other Colorado Rail Projects
- Front Range Passenger Rail from Fort Collins to Pueblo.
- Mountain Rail from Denver to Craig.